Abrasive Regulator

Abrasive Regulator is a compact abrasive metering system that keeps your waterjet system operating at optimum efficiency by ensuring the accuracy and stability of the abrasive flow rate. Positioned close to the waterjet cutting head, the system delivers the precise amount of abrasive needed at the cutting head, at maximum speed. This not only guarantees a smooth cut; it also reduces costs associated with wasted abrasive. Abrasive is the highest operating expense in abrasive waterjet cutting. Optimizing abrasive usage is key to enhancing the profitability of waterjet operations. The accuracy and versatility of the  Abrasive Regulator II improve the cutting process and avoid waste by accurately delivering abrasive to the cutting head. With 30 settings that can be easily and quickly dialed in, the right quantity of abrasive is consistently delivered to the cutting head.

Advantages of having an Abrasive Regulator:

  • Capacity to change garnet feed rates and adjust the amount of garnet the equipment applies via the regulator's dial gauge
  • Flexibility to modify the garnet flow perspectives depending on the type and thickness of the metal being cut
  • Maximizes the flow of garnet into the nozzle.
  • Easy way to the control to switch to the type of garnet abrasive required 
  • Provides accurate and consistent garnet flow to achieve a smooth cutting edge of your workpiece
  • Easy monitoring of the garnet quantity level.